Adaxa ERP

Adaxa ERP is based on Adempiere with new features added some of which will not yet have been included in the main Adempiere Project build.

Initially you can log into the system with the following users:

User Password
GardenAdmin GardenAdmin
GardenUser GardenUser
SuperUser System
System System


Please be aware that all data entered and all modifications are DELETED regularly. If you wish to try ADempiere for a longer period of time please download and install locally.




Bug #1510: Drillable Trial Balance bu fixes
Bug #1536: Webstore is being deleted every time setup is run
Bug #1546: Fix Import Budget loader format
Feature #1521: Add Bank Pay-In Slip report
Feature #1526: Improve inter-org balancing posting
Feature #1531: Convert Manufacture Light BOM to Manf Heavy BOM
Feature #1539: Document Status Indicator to allow a report to run.
Feature #1541: Move data to PP_BOM
Feature #1542: update Payment Allocation for Exchange gain/loss improvements
Feature #1543: Talend Integration BOM move to PP_BOM
Feature #1544: ASI Dialog - View Unused
Feature #1547: Show opposite sign on financial report
Feature #1549: Preserve Finished Goods Production Line from being deleted
Support #1509: Import loader for business partner bank account
Support #1513: Dashboard Content
Support #1525: trunc T_* tables before Merge or Delete Entities
Support #1529: change 'Inventory Clearing' ac in GWorld to Asset
Support #1545: WebStore theme changes


Bug #1501: Production Status reported incorrectly in Unposted Documents
Bug #1514: Cannot refesh data when data changed from outside the current window
Bug #1515: BP>Customer Statement Contact needs Dynamic Validation
Bug #1518: Fix HTML Zoom Issues
Bug #1519: Document Status Indicator Client:System does not copy to Client:GW
Bug #1532: Bug: Inactive Exchange Rate used in Payment Selection
Bug #1534: Currency Convert window records should be at Org 0
Bug #1537: AP/AR Restatement report needs extra indexes
Bug #1538: toolbar icon to modify grid view order conflicts with window definition
Bug #1540: Import payment fails if no document number provided
Feature #1511: Add Image Support to BOM Viewer
Feature #1512: Remove images in PDF
Feature #1522: MiniMRP Integrity checks
Feature #1533: Delay Posting on individual table basis
Feature #1535: Schedule - Add Manual schedule type


Bug #1450: Incorrect Posting between Rate Variance and Suspense balancing
Bug #1451: Can not delete User defined filter on a window
Bug #1456: Fin report improvements
Bug #1460: Coliumn missing prevents BP>Vendor tab working
Bug #1461: Clean Up Gardenworld - bug with conversion rate
Bug #1467: after migration to 1.4 the BP>Vendor will not accept input
Bug #1468: Create new client broken by mandatory locator on product
Bug #1470: Fix classification field length in Product import table
Bug #1473: Invalid match invoice created when creating Invoice (vendor) lines from PO
Bug #1475: Incorrect Dynamic Validation on c_Payment.C_Invoice
Bug #1481: Comments in C_InvoiceLine is forcing it to assign Tax_ID
Bug #1483: Can't generate invoice (manual) for closed order
Bug #1485: Accounting Fact Summary report fix
Bug #1486: Payment Allocation Form Payment/Invoice lines must display Org value
Feature #1471: create a sys config parameter called "allow uncontrolled tax change on order and invoice lines"


Bug #340: Add GL account to open item and aging
Bug #438: Error in ExportFormatGenerator for replication
Bug #441: Business Partner Details report fails if no contact
Bug #518: Fix storage cleanup process
Bug #522: Period Closed error causes ZK payment allocation to subsequently hang
Bug #531: Inefficient SQL in ImportProduct
Bug #537: Make SQL Process form more usable
Bug #576: Inventory movement callout does not set locator when selecting ASI
Bug #577: Import BP only imports first location
Bug #581: Chinese Characters not on PDF
Bug #593: Order import process imports partial orders
Bug #594: Language date format ignored.
Bug #645: Financial report skips inactive periods
Bug #655: Initial Client Setup process - needs to set a default value for Storage Attachment
Bug #744: Asset ID is not posted to accounting facts
Bug #1025: Any user can obtain all passwords via field editor
Bug #1026: Password for the System user cannot be hashed
Bug #1327: Indented BOM Report - additional columns
Bug #1330: Delete Record throws Out of Index Error
Bug #1334: Fix for UserElement1&2 on financial Report Column tab
Bug #1343: Embedded Tab causes a Table Not Open Error
Bug #1352: Chrome browser Problem
Bug #1357: WebUI Window
Bug #1358: Virtual Column in included tab not displayed properly
Bug #1361: Unable to specify email address as BPartner search key
Bug #1366: Import Order throws No BP error
Bug #1381: Counter doc sales Inv -> Vendor Inv changes amount
Feature #436: SQL based report generator
Feature #511: Client specific ZK login logo
Feature #519: Filter future dated transaction from dunning run.
Feature #526: Utility to convert sql migration scripts to xml
Feature #527: Merge changes from GlobalQSS branch.
Feature #530: Mechanism for hard migrations
Feature #534: Integrate SmartBrowse feature by eevolution
Feature #535: Integrate Warehouse management
Feature #541: Virtual column to lookup related data
Feature #544: Parameterise - Inherit Filter Reports
Feature #555: Refactor M_Storage
Feature #560: Incorporate automatic production into manufacturing light
Feature #566: Add EDIFACT processing support
Feature #575: Add available date attribute
Feature #589: Print format improvements
Feature #590: Add cash tender type to Payment
Feature #591: Automatically allocate prepayment from order to invoice.
Feature #592: Improve BP import.
Feature #595: Add default flag on location and contact
Feature #596: Replenish create purchase order should use purchasing UoM
Feature #627: Dynamic view
Feature #628: Add storage view window
Feature #644: Integrate web services for eGility
Feature #770: Add HasRole boolean field to User Window
Feature #846: reset transaction dates on GardenWorld Data
Feature #885: Storage Detail report customization
Feature #1008: Add virtual columns to Physical Inventory Lines
Feature #1015: Calendar and Task Management
Feature #1016: Global search — enhanced view
Feature #1062: Add invoice paid amount and invoice unpaid amount to view used to print invoices
Feature #1086: Migrating Asterisk integration to webui
Feature #1193: Business Partner window added reporting buttons
Feature #1197: Made TableName in AD_Table not identifier
Feature #1207: Fixed Asset default accounts not updated by 'add/copy accounts'
Feature #1232: Improved Purchasing from Replenishment
Feature #1244: Generate Shipments Manual
Feature #1245: Product Availability by BP and by Product Category
Feature #1246: Barcode scanner support
Feature #1247: add "Copy Last Paid Invoice" button to to Invoice (Vendor) for 1.04
Feature #1248: add C_Order_ID and C_Order.DocNo to I_Payment
Feature #1250: Create Replenishment Parameters for New Products
Feature #1329: Shipment Manifest
Feature #1337: Document Status indicators
Feature #1340: Import Order enhancements - separate BP shipping and billing location
Feature #1342: get default period for Financial Report
Feature #1344: Set Movementy Qty = Qty On Hand from Locator
Feature #1368: Ad_User Supervisor - check for recursion errors
Feature #1371: new window to auto-add Currency Rates with reciprocals and cross rates
Feature #1382: NF1.0_Web_Services_Improvements
Feature #1383: Data Import Definition for BOM & ASI
Feature #1386: Update default Active Currencies in 1.04 build (oops)
Feature #1387: Update Languages to make many inactive outside our region
Feature #1388: add extra computed columns to Account Cube based VIEW
Feature #1393: Magento - ADempiere product Synch
Feature #1403: Migration Script for Binary Data
Feature #1404: Manufacturing Light - Production Batch
Feature #1406: Allow New ASI Flag
Feature #1409: Headline Text to quick identify environment
Feature #1410: Add Transaction Date to Combined Ageing View
Support #1384: Print Format Improvement - Fonts & A4 paper


Bug #237: PO.load() broken for some tables.
Bug #272: Bank statement posting period incorrect
Bug #317: Import invoice fails if rows in wrong order
Bug #318: Report parameter referring to virtual column doesn't work
Bug #325: Manufacturing light BOM viewer for ZK
Bug #326: Manufacturing light bugs/missing
Bug #376: Updating BP special price resets all price values
Bug #377: Trial Balance report only creates single opening balance for all accounts
Bug #393: Mobile UI report and process doesn't return data.
Bug #394: Swing payment allocation infinite loops
Bug #395: Generate x (manual) uses unqualified sql.
Bug #396: Control order document processing of related docs.
Bug #397: Add description to import payment
Bug #399: ZK product search reopens on exact match
Bug #400: Find query on virtual column invalid sql
Bug #426: Aging with payments not filtered by org
Bug #428: Document Action options missing when called from sub tab
Bug #430: Allow charge expense/revenue account to be different
Bug #433: Vendor invoice tax inclusive line amount errors
Bug #462: Update ant libraries
Bug #471: Import inventory ASI with date
Bug #483: LDAP login fails - null pointer error
Bug #510: Report column can't select User1/User2 account elements
Feature #77: Add name field to bank account
Feature #189: add geocode to c_location and I_Bpartner
Feature #222: default date in Bank Statement causes user error
Feature #238: Allow zooming to ID column.
Feature #352: Mobile UI checkboxes incorrect
Feature #375: Generate test data - create opportunity
Feature #388: Allow initial client setup process to be scripted
Feature #392: EXO DMS integration
Feature #398: Add sales management module
Feature #401: Process to move attachments from one storage method to another
Feature #411: Improve html report presentation
Feature #419: Add default value to import loader format
Feature #429: Add date preference to ZK
Feature #432: Import file loader process
Feature #434: Generic metadata controlled import process
Feature #435: Make quantity break pricing not BP specific
Feature #456: Freight Calculation setup
Feature #459: Auto update ASI name
Feature #460: Import user/lead using generic importer
Feature #461: Add merge migration to menu
Feature #464: SmartPOS integration
Feature #469: Smart POS Integration
Feature #472: Control barcode height
Feature #473: Insert new record as last line in grid view
Feature #480: Make minitable column size configurable
Feature #488: Allow manually setting printer job priority
Feature #498: Add charge to import inventory
Support #179: Spelling mistake


Bug #64: Lookup embedded date formatted incorrectly
Bug #111: Payment allocation form in ZK loses position after selection
Bug #112: Shipments are consolidated by default
Bug #188: add Addr3 and addr4 to BP Importer
Bug #192: Order create PO process does not set all reference fields
Bug #213: Improve generate test data process
Bug #223: Automatic account reconciliation "Payment clearing" rule: allocation of reversed payment
Bug #231: Flag beta functionality
Feature #113: Save process parameters for reuse
Feature #114: Control display of columns in grid view
Feature #118: Add series column to chart datasource
Feature #191: Add ZK support for chart field type
Feature #193: Allow org * in account combination form
Feature #226: Add filter field to Preference -> Context


Bug #37: does an imported payment with a Charge set IsAllocated to Y?
Bug #44: Production create lines intermittent bug
Bug #50: Copy/create print format items creates duplicate fields
Bug #53: Generate charges should allow selection of all accounts
Bug #69: Standard transaction print formats should use client/org logo
Bug #71: Order detail reports document type filter
Bug #72: Sort tab does direct sql update
Bug #76: Process parameter panel/Find panel too small
Bug #88: Drop shipment info not on print views
Bug #110: Chart field type errors
Feature #8: Add memo/warning functionality
Feature #18: Single account on charge only
Feature #26: Add parent account virtual column on Element
Feature #34: Product OR Charge mandatory in invoice line
Feature #36: set document type to not use "indirect"
Feature #42: Open URL from ADempiere menu
Feature #55: Process to generate random test data
Feature #56: Improvements to xml migration
Feature #57: Report cube view report
Feature #58: Create/update charge when importing accounts
Feature #61: Improvements to initial client setup process
Feature #70: Add copy report option to report viewer
Feature #79: Add delete entities process
Feature #83: Financial reporting import improvements
Feature #87: Add parameters to client email setting
Feature #91: Add charge to import payment
Feature #98: Add additional control of Table reference display


Bug #22: Post bank statement on statement date
Bug #25: Add batch to recurring documents
Bug #27: Payment selection doesn't allow multiple payments on invoice
Bug #29: Merge GlobalQSS patches 20110709
Bug #31: Numeric fields aren't right aligned in ZK
Bug #33: Unable to add a new contact in the Business Partner window
Bug #35: Locale (date format) lost when running without translation in ZK
Feature #7: Payment Allocation to a charge
Feature #10: Integrate Manufacturing Light
Feature #11: Store passwords in hashed form only
Feature #14: Invoice copy lines from display most recent first
Feature #16: Force product or charge on order or invoice line
Feature #20: Support no stock reservation on "proposal" type purchase orders
Feature #21: Integrate Special Pricing
Feature #24: Chart field type